Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Under Attack

If you follow the news at all you know that President Obama has sicced Attorney General Eric Holder on Arizona for daring to pass a law that makes being in the state of Arizona illegally a crime. Now think about that for a moment. The President of these United States (has joined with Mexico and) attacked (in the courts) one of these fifty United States for daring to make it illegal to be in that state if you did not legally enter the USA or if you have stayed beyond the time you are legally allowed to be in the USA.

Now that is bad enough right? I mean the President of the USA siding with a foreign government to sue one of the fifty states he is elected to represent and protect. This is an unheard of act during my life time.

This unprecedented action is astonishing (to say the least). But in the immortal words of Billy Mays “BUT WAIT” there’s more! President Obama has now filed suit via Eric Holder against Arizona Community Colleges because – are you ready for this – because “non-citizen job applicants were required to present green cards.” Yes, folks, that’s right. Because Arizona Community Colleges tried to follow the law and require non citizens to prove they had the right to work in the USA Eric Holder is suing the colleges. And yes, one of the primary reasons for this lawsuit is that one Zainul Singaporewalla, (a non-native permanent US resident) was asked to show his green card and could not.

Okay, I hear some of you yelling (okay thinking) that the college engaged in discrimination! You are almost right, there is discrimination going on here but (as I shall explain later) it is not the type discrimination you are thinking. There is this little known law (well, little know if you exclude every single green card holder and their spouse) that mandates green cardholder have their green card upon their person at all times. Read that again. Green card holders are required by law to have their green card with them at all times. But wait, there’s more! It is also illegal for the Arizona Community College (or any employer) to hire illegal aliens (or illegal immigrants or undocumented aliens or undocumented immigrants or misplaced citizens of other countries or… you get the drift).

Remember that discrimination thing I mentioned earlier. Let me now explain why President Obama and Eric Holder are both guilty of discrimination. There is this other little know law that prohibits selective enforcement of the laws. Yet that is precisely what we have here. President Obama via his surrogate Eric Holder is suing the Arizona colleges. Yet they are not filing criminal charges against Zainul Singaporewalla for violating the federal law that mandates he will keep his green card on his person at all times. Seems like this is pretty clear discrimination and pretty clear selective enforcement and a crystal clear violation of the federal law.

Maybe Arizona will say enough is enough and file a counter suit against Holder and President Obama for selective enforcement of the law (and failure to protect the state of Arizona from illegal immigrants), Now that would be an interesting case – and I would love to read the response by Holder and his crony Justice Dept to this clear allegation of misfeasance and discrimination.

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