Sunday, August 1, 2010

There are few things more daunting and difficult to over come than allegations of racism. Calling someone, anyone, of any age, or any group or organization “racist” should require proof positive to back up the allegation. This charge is so serious and so damaging that alleging racism without even a shred of proof should carry consequences – serious consequences. Anyone knowingly use the charge falsely to harm others should be penalized and severely. This is true even if those they seek to harm are “public figures.”

Take for example Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent. When Fox news broke the sordid story of Jeremiah Wright during the 2008 Presidential campaign Ham wrote that “Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, ‘Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.’”

This is not journalism. This is not politics. Nor is it misinformation or freedom of speech. This is not even unethical, sleazy slander. This is worse by far. It is clearly and unarguably a deadly assault upon the character and career of the victim. This false charge has totally destroyed careers, lives and livelihoods. Want proof? Just ask Imus. Or maybe ask Jimmy the Greek's heirs.

Spencer Ackerman clearly urged his colleagues to engage in illegal and unethical profiling. Where are the mainstream media? Why are the airwaves not filled with outrage at this attempt at character assassination by Ackerman? Why was this only “leaked” and not broadcast by the numerous liberal “journalists” that had access to his post? Are they not accessories to this urging of criminal conduct?

The false charges of racism should be punished far more severely than most simple violations of civil rights. A person denied access to a restaurant can go across the street to another. A person denied a room in a hotel can go to another hotel. A person stigmatized wrongfully as a racist suffers enormous loss of friendship, associations, jobs, income, and more. And they can not just go across the street to another place.

It is time for everyone to unite against this travesty of justice. I am not calling for another law – but yes, I am calling for modifying existing law to make falsely alleging racism (especially with absolutely no reasonable proof) a crime as painful for the false alleger as it is for the falsely accused victim. Maybe falsely accusing a person of racism should be considered a hate crime – for that is certainly is a crime of hatred.

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